Save 15% on flights
Book your flight to Paris for the 30th ECNP Congress and save up to 15% on travel with a SkyTeam airline!
More information on how to book with this discount is available here.
Visit our special congress website for all information on the programme, registration, abstract submission and more.
Important deadlines:
1 April: abstract submission
15 April: early registration (lower fees!)
New ECNP website!
We are proud to present you our new ECNP website: www.ecnp.eu!
With the new design we have improved the usability, also for mobile devices.
We hope you enjoy the website and love to get your feedback. If you have any questions, or ideas how we can improve the website even more, send us an e-mail.
Research Internship
For 2017 ECNP is supporting 15 Research Internships.
A selected group of senior researchers will offer junior scientists a short two week exploratory experience in their institutions.
The hosting scientist is encouraged to establish a long term relationship with the applicant and teach a basic translational research method which the participant can use at home when he/she returns.
ECNP will fund up to € 1,000 to the junior scientist for travel and accommodation expenses.
If you are interested in participating in an internship, apply quickly.
The deadline is 22 February 2017.
More info...
ILoveMyBrain campaign
Help us promote brain health and brain research and support the #ILoveMyBrain campaign from the European Brain Council.
Click the link below if you share this vision about brain health.
Support #ILoveMyBrain
ECNP School 2017
The application deadline for the next ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology is drawing closer.
If you would like to attend, please send in your application by 1 March 2017.
The school will take place in Oxford, United Kingdom on 25-30 June 2017.
Junior clinicians will be offered an interactive week with an international faculty of experts.
This one-week residential course provides intensive training in all aspects of neuropsychopharmacology, from its fundamentals to the use of medications in individual indications, good clinical practice and optimal treatment and algorithms.
Participants are obliged to pay their own travel expenses but all other costs are met by ECNP.
Five travel subsidies are available for participants from developing economy (CDE) countries.
More information is available here.
Network Meta-Analysis Course
Professor Andrea Cipriani will lead the 4th Network Meta-Analysis Course to be held in Oxford (3-5 July 2017).
This 3-day hands-on course is a clinically-oriented initiative, aimed at teaching clinicians, clinical researchers and policy makers how to read, interpret, critically appraise and write a network meta-analysis.
Open this advert for more information, or click here.